
Specialized noun-phrase resolution results gatherer for resolving a command actor (i.e., the target actor of a command).

class ActorResolveResults :   BasicResolveResults

Superclass Tree   (in declaration order)


Subclass Tree  


Global Objects  


Summary of Properties  


Inherited from BasicResolveResults :
allowEquivalentFiltering  issuingActor_  targetActor_ 

Summary of Methods  

construct  getImpliedObject  singleObjectRequired  uniqueObjectRequired 

Inherited from BasicResolveResults :
allNotAllowed  ambiguousNounPhrase  askMissingLiteral  askMissingObject  beginSingleObjSlot  beginTopicSlot  canResolveInteractively  emptyNounPhrase  endSingleObjSlot  endTopicSlot  filterWithDistinguisher  incCommandCount  insufficientQuantity  noMatch  noMatchForAll  noMatchForAllBut  noMatchForListBut  noMatchForLocation  noMatchForPossessive  noMatchForPronoun  noMatchPossessive  noteActorSpecified  noteAdjEnding  noteBadPrep  noteEmptyBut  noteIndefinite  noteLiteral  noteMatches  noteMiscWordList  noteNounSlots  notePlural  notePronoun  noteWeakPhrasing  nothingInLocation  noVocabMatch  reflexiveNotAllowed  setActors  unknownNounPhrase  wrongReflexive  zeroQuantity 



don't allow action remapping while resolving the actor


construct ( )parser.t[5704]

no description available

getImpliedObject (np, resolver)OVERRIDDENparser.t[5718]
set the initial actor context to the PC - this type of resolver is set up to determine the actor context, so we don't usually know the actual actor context yet when setting up this resolver

singleObjectRequired (txt)OVERRIDDENparser.t[5733]
an actor phrase must address a single actor

uniqueObjectRequired (txt, matchList)OVERRIDDENparser.t[5727]
there's no default for the actor - it's usually simply a syntax error when the actor is omitted

TADS 3 Library Manual
Generated on 5/16/2013 from TADS version 3.1.3