Flashlight : LightSource, Switch
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A Flashlight is basically a LightSource with a switch that can be used to turn it on and off (just like a flashlight or, as we'd call it in Britain, a torch).

blackTorch : Flashlight 'large black flashlight/torch' 'large black torch' @mainCave
  "It looks a serious heavy-duty instrument, with a firm ridged grip and
   a powerful bulb. "
   brightnessOn = 4
   bulk = 2
   weight = 2  

There's no particular reason for setting brightnessOn to 4 here, other than the fact that it's described as a powerful torch and to demonstrate that it can be done. You can try this torch/flashlight out if you like, but we won't be leaving it lying around in mainCave for the player to pick up so easily. Instead we'll put in a storage cabinet aboard the Tardis:

tardisLivingQuarters : ShipboardRoom 'Tardis Living Quarters' 'the living quarters'
  "These living quarters are pretty bare right now, but there is a storage cabinet
   fixed to one wall, and a door that leads out. "
  out = tardisLivingQuartersDoor
  fore asExit(out)

OpenableContainer, Fixture 'storage cabinet' 'storage cabinet' @tardisLivingQuarters 
  "The large cabinet is painted a cream colour and looks securely fixed to the wall. "

+ blackTorch : Flashlight 'large black flashlight/torch' 'large black torch'
  "It looks a serious heavy-duty instrument, with a firm ridged grip and
   a powerful bulb. "
   brightnessOn = 4
   bulk = 2
   weight = 2  

This, of course, leaves players with the problem of finding an alternative light source before they can reach the Tardis. We'll deal with that next.