Actor Knowledge
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In order to be able to talk about something, an Actor must know about it, or at least know of its existence. To test whether an actor has seen something you can use its hasSeen(obj) method; likewise, to test whether an actor knows about something test its knowsAbout(obj) method. If an actor has seen something, the actor is assumed to know about it, but the converse is not necessarily true (the actor may have heard about it without actually having seen it). The library keeps track of what objects the player character has seen automatically, but in general this can be set for an actor by calling the actor's setHasSeen(obj) method. When an actor learns about something by other means, you can call its setKnowsAbout(obj) method. Since it is the player character whose knowledge you mostly want to keep track of, the library defines a macro gSetKnown(obj) which is effectively an abbreviation for gPlayerChar.setKnowsAbout(obj). Thus, when the player character hears about something for the first time in conversation, or by reading about it somewhere, or by any other means (other than actually seeing it), you will probably want to call gSetKnown(obj) to record the fact. Only when the player character knows about something can it be the topic of conversation with an NPC (for example there will be no useful response to ASK SARAH ABOUT RING until the player character knows of the existence of a ring to be asked about).

By default the library keeps track of what objects have been seen and which are known about via the seen and isKnown properties on the objects (and topics) concerned. This effectively means that only the player character's knowledge is being tracked, since hasSeen(obj) and knowsAbout(obj) will return the same whatever actor they're called on, and calling setHasSeen(obj) or setKnowsAbout(obj) on one actor sets these properties for all actors. The reason for this is that most games will only be interested in tracking what the player character has seen and knows about. The library does, however, provide support for tracking the sight and knowledge of individual NPCs if required. This is done by specifying knownProp and seenProp on the actor in question. By default these are defined as &isKnown and &seen on all actors (i.e. as pointers to the isKnown and seen properties of objects). They can, however, be set to point to new properties defined to keep track of a particular actor's knowledge.

Suppose that in addition to keeping track of what the player character knows and has seen, we want to do the same for Sarah. We can simply devise two new properties that we'll call sarahKnows and sarahHasSeen to do the job for us, and set Sarah's knownProp and seenProp to point to them. Then we can use sarah.setHasSeen(obj), sarah.hasSeen(obj), sarah.setKnowsAbout(obj) and sarah.knowsAbout(obj) independently of the knowledge base of the player character and all other NPCs:

sarah : Person 'attractive young woman/brunette' 'young woman' @lakeRoom
  "She's an attractive brunette, somewhere in her mid-twenties. "
  isHer = true
  properName = 'Sarah'
  globalParamName = 'sarah'
  knownProp = &sarahKnows
  seenProp = &sarahHasSeen

Having defined these properties, we could also use them to define Sarah's initial state of knowledge. If Sarah started the game knowing about the curator or having seen the golden banana (which she hasn't), for example, we could define curator.sarahKnows = true and goldenBanana.sarahHasSeen = true. Likewise, if you wanted the player character to start off with knowledge of the goldenBanana, you could set goldenBanana.isKnown = true.

The point of all this will become clearer with a specific example we'll be implementing when we come to look at TopicEntries. If the player character enters the graveyard after pushing over the statue in the Golden Grotto, the ghost will appear. Before that point neither the player character (PC) nor any NPC has any reason to suppose that the ghost exists, so there's no reason for it to be a topic of conversation. The ghost thus only becomes available as a topic of conversation to the PC once the PC has encountered the ghost. When the ghost appears it will charge the player character with the task of finding and destroying the golden banana. Up to that point the PC may not have heard of the golden banana, and so would not be able to converse about it. After then we'd want to mark the golden banana as known about but not seen by the PC, which would allow the PC to raise the golden banana as a topic of conversation.

Now let's consider what happens when the PC decides to discuss the ghost with Sarah. Clearly, the PC can't do this until he knows about the ghost. Also, it makes no sense for the PC to ask Sarah about the ghost until Sarah has at least heard of the ghost. Sarah can learn of the ghost by two different methods; either she was with the PC when the ghost appeared and saw it for herself, or she wasn't but learned about it from the PC's subsequent account. Sarah is pretty sceptical about ghosts, and she doesn't take this one seriously unless she sees it herself, so her responses will be quite different depending whether she's actually seen the ghost or only been told about it.

The library will take care of ensuring that the ghost cannot be raised as a topic of conversation until the PC knows about it. It's up to the author to test for Sarah's state of knowledge of the ghost and have her respond accordingly. We'll need to test whether Sarah knows about the ghost at all before allowing the player to ASK SARAH ABOUT GHOST. If she does know about the ghost we'll want to provide quite different responses depending on whether she's also seen it. Once the player character knows about the ghost he can TELL SARAH ABOUT GHOST, but again we'll want to test for sarah.hasSeen(ghost) to decide how she responds. Also, if this is the first Sarah has heard of the ghost we'll want to call sarah.setKnowsAbout(ghost). Finally, we'll want to cater for the special case where the ghost is actually present while the PC is discussing it with Sarah.